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Trivia Night

Writer's picture: Veeeeeee...Veeeeeee...

Updated: Nov 14, 2024

Buckle up for an amazing night of art, anime, cosplay, manga, music, merch, and trivia. If you couldn't attend any trivia nights last month, there are more in store and practically zero excuses not to attend 🙃 Entry is normally free, starting at 6 pm and going on until late, and there's always plenty to do. The venues differ for each one, but you can count on us to keep you in the loop for the next one that's set to come.


The themes vary, for instance, it could be something Marvel vs DC, so any character is welcome to cosplay. Don’t sweat the details, especially for your first trivia night. No one will judge you for coming in super-professional attire (some of them are on weekdays after all). What to wear to trivia night is anything that you’re comfortable in so you can feel your best. You’ll have a lot of fun if you don’t stress over your trivia night outfit as much as the attitude that you come with. All the same, you may want to polish up your knowledge of the theme, in this case, Marvel and DC if you want to have a chance to win; good luck…


This is more or less for trivia night newbies, to give an idea of what you can expect to experience. There's typically a round of questions of different difficulties; starting with some simple ones, medium difficulty ones, and hard ones. There may also be a wildcard round where there’s all sorts of trivia. For the trivia night we're using as an example, there will be questions based on Marvel, and others based on DC. If you’re particularly informed about one, that round will be your chance to shine. If you’re (a nerd) good at both, then go, you!!!


There are always rules for trivia nights that you need to keep in mind, and while rules are meant to be broken, it's best to make these an exception. Remember that they will vary for each trivia night.

  1. Cell phones and electronic devices should not be used during the game. A bowl will be on each table to hold such devices.

  2. There will be lifeline stickers that you can purchase to use when your team is in a pinch and just can’t come up with an answer to a trivia question. These will be sold in a pack of five pieces for 1,000 Kshs.

When you need to use one, simply place a lifeline marker on your answer sheet next to the question and it will be counted as a correct answer. Note that only five markers in total per table may be used for the entire game, so be thrifty with them (DON’T be swifty).

  1. Before a round starts, your table may put another player or players from an opposing team in the “Trivia Night Jail.” This prohibits the player or players in jail from helping their table during the round that they’re in jail.

Jailing someone will cost 500 Kshs per person, and if your table chooses to, you can place multiple people in jail. The jailed player will be stuck in jail either for the whole round or until they’re bailed out by their team for 500 Ksh per bail-out.

  1.   Finally, you can stack your team. Before a round begins, you may buy a member from another team who you know to be an expert in the upcoming round. The person you bought will then come to help your team out during that round.

For stacking your team, the starting bid is 500 Kshs per person, but the original team can outbid the rest to have the player stay on their team. After the round, the player returns to their original team. Per round, you may only stack your team with one player.


Finally, there are plenty of goodies to look forward to. For example, you can pay for glow-in-the-dark bodypaint, which should make it a lot easier for cosplayers to complete their looks. Simply dress up and show up, then choose the designs you’d like to get done to take your look to the next level. Once you’re looking your best, you normally get a photo shoot on the house simply because you’re a cosplayer. The winner of the trivia will get any of a range of gifts, for instance, a platter and a bottle of gin to enjoy whichever way they please.

I can’t wait to see you at future trivia nights, and if you’re stressing about something like “But can you go to trivia night alone?” you shouldn’t be. Everyone goes to have a great time, so you’ll make new friends. Bring anyone and everyone interested in trying it out, and it’s guaranteed to be an impressive experience for them!

See ya!!!

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2 comentarios

08 nov 2024

😎 😎 😎 way too cool!! Learning

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13 nov 2024
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Hope to see you there one day 🤗

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From titans to neophytes.

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