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Self-Love & Appreciation

Writer: Veeeeeee...Veeeeeee...

Updated: Feb 17

I'm sure you've heard "It's the month of love" so many times your ears are sore from it. Anyway, it's the month of love- the day of love itself actually, and I want to talk about one of the most ignored forms of love out there, and that is self-love. We find it really easy to identify external objects and love them, but it's just as important to pour some of that love back into ourselves. This helps keep us in a state of balance so that it's easiest to keep seeking fulfillment in life. Here's what I think about love; savour it while stocks last 😂

What Is Self-Love?

So, this self-love I speak of, what is it? It's not all about being happy all the time or seeming perfect. It's more along the lines of accepting yourself; flaws and all, and also being kind to yourself as you go through life. It's being your own best friend, one who supports you and believes in you. Your own personal cheerleader who will help you get back up any time you fall. And who will be there forever and ever. Damn, sweet dreams are made of these.

To grow your self-love, find out the best things about yourself. Those could be strengths and talents that you've discovered along the way. Look for ways in which you can nurture these qualities and make them stronger than they are. This way, there will be a lot more for you to love and appreciate as time goes by. Make yourself the main character in the movie of your life and be the one who decides what direction you want your life to go. You should definitely add a soundtrack to this movie too...

Self-Love in Anime

There are lots of teachable moments in the media that we consume, including anime. I don't mean to make anything boring by sneaking lessons into and out of it, so I'll only use two examples.

Your Name

This anime movie explores self-love and acceptance in an interesting way. It's definitely one of the best ones to watch over Valentine's Day if you want something that will be entertaining and also introspective. Your Name is about two teenagers who magically swap bodies and thus get the experiences that they note down for each other to read. There's a lot of exploration of themes like self-discovery and identity because they get to live life in each other's shoes. They see the positive sides of each time they switch, using even less than ideal situations and outcomes as learning points for them to learn more about each other and themselves. In the end, they enjoy their experiences fully and generally live an amazing life.

Violet Evergarden

This anime series is about a girl who sets out to learn about human emotions as well as what it means to connect with others. She's a young ex-soldier who loses her hands and has prosthetics. She becomes a memory doll once the war is over because she never really had a family. There are specific people who are tasked with the job of writing in the movie's world, and she ends up becoming one of them. She doesn't know about love because she's never actually been loved, and when she sees people in love as a result of the tasks she's given, she gets really interested and does a deep dive to learn about what love is. Watch this movie if you want to take this journey with her to learn more about love. It's a good watch anyway so there shouldn't be any loss of time on your part.

That's it; go ye forth and conquer yourself so that it's possible to love yourself. That's the truest love you'll ever experience. Keep it Geekspeak and see just how much more wholesome we can get!



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